Your partner in health

Our Services

A one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare simply doesn't work. One-on-one private healthcare recognizes this fundamental truth and provides personalized care that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. This high level of personalization ensures that you receive the care you need, when you need it, in a way that respects your individuality and quality of life.

Allied Healthcare 303-465-6332. Chiropractic Care.

We focus first on restoring joint range of motion, followed by muscle coordination and flexibility, followed by functional strength and endurance.

Allied Healthcare Physical Therapy

Focus with physical therapy is giving patients the necessary tools and education to help themselves in meeting their functional goals

Neuro-functional and brain based acupuncture techniques focused on women's health, chronic pain and aging process.


Professional and experienced massage therapy focused on specific goals provided by each client.


Tired of canned or vague diet plans? We offer individualized nutritional plans suite to each client's specific needs.

LENS neurofeedback might be the missing piece you've been searching for. Think of it like hitting the reset button on your brain
