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New Partnership with Allied
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Unlocking the Power of Dry Needling: Why Experience Matters

At Allied Healthcare, we are proud of our team of highly trained physical therapists who are ce

New Partnership with Allied
Did You Know

The Vital Importance of Individualized Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines for Runners

Book your consultation now through our online booking system and start your journey to becoming

New Partnership with Allied
Our Services

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Runners

Physical therapy isn't just about recovering from injuries; it's also about performance

New Partnership with Allied
Our Services

Empowering Young Female Athletes

Our focus on young female athletes means we understand their unique needs and challenges.

New Partnership with Allied
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Understanding the Differences Between Cash-Based and Insurance-Based Physical Therapy

High-quality, personalized physical therapy that treats you as a whole person

New Partnership with Allied
Our Services

Discover the Healing Power of Sophie Bennett's Acupuncture

Book an acupuncture appointment, and receive a complimentary 60-minute Massage Session.

New Partnership with Allied
Our Services

Introducing Neurofeedback Therapy: Enhancing Our Healing Services

Neurofeedback Therapy is a non-invasive and drug-free method that monitors and trains brain act

New Partnership with Allied
Did You Know

Discovering the Healing Power of Acupuncture: A Path to Stress Relief and Better Health

Stress is a silent killer that can manifest in various forms

New Partnership with Allied
Our Services

Embrace Health and Happiness through Incremental Change

Overhauling our lifestyle overnight is not only daunting but also unsustainable for most of us.

New Partnership with Allied
Did You Know

Unlocking the Secrets of Sleep

This blog delves into the transformative effects of quality sleep

New Partnership with Allied
Our Services

Magic of Massage Therapy

By embracing the magic of massage therapy, you're taking a proactive step towards true health.

Allied Healthcare